Buffet Crampon Légende US Tour
Join us for a Buffet Crampon Légende oboe event! Featuring performances by Buffet artists Eric Speller, Philippe Tondre, and Mattieu Petitjean, this is a great opportunity to listen to and learn about Buffet Crampon's Légende oboe in-person. Luthier Jonathan Vanhove, the Légende oboe creator and developer, will be on site.
Bring your reeds and give the Légende a try! Trial rooms will be available all day from 10:00am to 6:00pm, no reservations required. Plenty of Légende oboes will be on hand during the event!
Listen to the Légende oboe in a recital by Buffet Artists at 3:00PM during the event!
Listen to the Légende oboe in a recital by Buffet Artists at 3:00PM during the event!
When: April 28, 2022 Thursday
10:00am - 6:00pm
3:00pm Artist Recital
10:00am - 6:00pm
3:00pm Artist Recital
This event is free to attend. No reservations are required.
We hope to see you there!
We hope to see you there!

Images courtesy of Buffet Crampon